Hi! I'm revamping the site! Most photos might not appear because of Photobucket *rolls eyes*. Might try to host them in another place but eh.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finally, An Official KonoSetsu Pactio Kiss!

[Posted @ 6:17 PM]
According to yours truly, Mahou Sensei Negima! Season 1 animation's KonoSetsu Pactio Kiss doesn't count, Mahou Sensei Negima! Life-Action's KonoSetsu Dream Kiss doesn't count, Negima! Neo's Anniversary-Of-Being-Friends-4ever Kiss doesn't count as well.


This Passionate Pactio Kiss in Mahou Sensei Negima! Manga COUNTS. Know why? Because there's TONGUE ACTION INVOLVED! *GASP*

KonoSetsu Pactio Kiss!

I hope this is a permanent pactio, it'll be like a legal marriage! LOL.
More scans of Chapter 252 here or if baidu doesn't work for you, go to AstroNerdBoy's blog.

Ending this on a sweet, 'Awwwww~' note.

KonoSetsu Cheek Kiss!

*waits patiently for C252 scans*

Edited on 26th May 2009;

Scans are out at Aquastar Forum, grab them nao!

Where Is Secchan Grabbing?!


[Signing off @ 6:29 PM]