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Saturday, July 14, 2007

July Manga Purchases From Kinokuniya

[Posted @ 11:31 PM]
Let's start with the results from the last Blog Poll;

Blog Poll 071507.

Kinda surprised by the results ... thought it will be the other way round ... haha ... as in more people will own like 500+ mangas XD.

Here's some updates on my recently purchased Seven Seas Strawberry Line mangas and others from Kinokuniya in Takashimaya.

Purchases From Kino.

From Top Left to Right - The Last Uniform aka Saigo no Seifu #1, Tetragrammaton Labyrinth #1.
From Bottom Left to Right - Magister Negi Magi Offical Fanbook, Sakurazaki Setsuna #5, Sister Red #2, Venus Versus Virus #1.

Burnt a huge huge hole in my pocket ... manz, at first I didn't wanna buy the Negima #5 fanbook but ... Secchan looks so cool on the cover that I couldn't resist lol but to add it in my shopping basket ... I was hesistating on Sister Red #2 too cos I couldn't find #1 anywhere ... sigh and so I went to Kino's website to search for the #1 and found nothing. However I found out something really very funny lol;


I think I spurted my water when I read that ... for those who read Tetragrammaton Labyrinth they will agree with me that there's totally nothing humourous about the story ... -.-||| haha.

Quite pleased with the translation by Seven Seas, except for Venus Versus Virus #1, on the back cover, they added an extra 'A' on Nahashi Lucia's name. Maybe I'm just the 'details' kinda girl hahaha.

Updates on Angelbox's Strawberry Panic Doujinshi - Ichigo no Tsubomi, good news, I'm halfway through and highly possible that I'll be done by end of this month XD.

to anonymous5 who requested to translate the ShizNat doujinshi from yamibo, well I think I can try translating it. Some words are pretty small though ... but I'll try my best.

PS: Singaporeans, please vote in the new blog poll XD.

[Signing off @ 11:59 PM]