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Japanese Title : ネギま!? OP - 1000%SPARKING! by 神楽坂明日菜 (神田朱未), 近衛木乃香 (野中藍), 桜咲刹那 (小林ゆう) and ネギ・スプリングフィールド( 佐藤利奈)
English Title : Negima!? OP - 1000%SPARKING! by Kagurazaka Asuna (Kanda Akemi), Konoe Konoka (Nonaka Ai), Sakurazaki Setsuna (Kobayashi Yu) and Negi Springfield (Satou Rina).

CD Tracks;
01. 1000%SPARKING!
02. A-LY-YA!
03. 1000%SPARKING! [Remix]
04. 1000%SPARKING! [Off Vocal]
05. A-LY-YA! [Off Vocal]
Here's the full lyrics of the OP, '1000%SPARKING!',
[In Hiragana/Kanji & Romaji] ;
胸のピストル鳴らして / やけに鼓動がジャマする
mune no pisutoru [pistol] narashite / yakeni kodou jyamasuru
落ち着いてられない / そんな事情
ochiruite rarenai / sonna jijou
解きかけの方程式 / 次の扉を開いて
tokikake no houteishiki / tsugi no tobira o hiraite
ikana kyadamena toki ga aruyone
ゆずれないその想いに / キミが輝くから
yuzurenai sono omoini / kimi ga kagaya kukara
くじけそうな今日も平気 / 成功の5秒前
kujike souna kyou mo heiki / seikou no 5 byoumae
もっとSparking Now! 強くタフなハート
motto Sparking Now! tsuyoku tafu [tough] na haーto [heart]
migai tara sekai wa michigaeru
Sparking Now! 高くかざしたンウル
Sparking Now! takaku kazashita sou
力の限り / 目指せ1000%
chikara no kagiri / mesase 1000%
motto zutto tooi basho dato omotteita
手の届かない / 夢物語
te no todoganai / yume monogatari
'待って,ねぇ待って! 父さんでしょ!?'
'matte, nee matte! to-san desho!?'
donna chiisai sana hikari mo minosazu niita
sukoshide mo anata ni chikazuku tameni
'この命, 例え失ってもお守り致します'
'kono inochi, tatoe ushinatte mo omamori itashimasu'
闇を切り裂く / 胸の奥の勇気
yami o kirisaku / mune no oku no yuuki
迷いを断ち切る / 白い翼
mayoi o tachi kiru / shiroi tsubasa
'mou, hitori te nade mo dekirutte omoun jya naiwayo!'
tachi domari sou ni natte mo
今ここにある笑顔 / 胸に閉じ込めて
ima kokoni aru egao / mune ni tojikomete
'守られてるばっかりはいややわ! ウチも守りたい!'
'mamo rareteru bakkariwa i yaya wa! uchi mo mamori tai!'
だからBurning Heart! 熱く燃やすよ今
dakara Burning Heart! atsuku moyasuyo ima
te saguri no sekai o tsuki nukete
Burning Heart! 闇を照らしたのは
Burning Heart! yami o terashita no wa
自分自身の / 光る1000%
jibun jishin no / hikaru 1000%
もっとSparking Now! 強くタフなハート
motto Sparking Now! tsuyoku tafu [tough] na haーto [heart]
migai tara sekai wa michigaeru
Sparking Now! 高くかざしたンウル
Sparking Now! takaku kazashita sou
力の限り / 目指せ1000%
chikara no kagiri / mesase 1000%
だからBurning Heart! 熱く燃やすよ今
dakara Burning Heart! atsuku moyasuyo ima
te saguri no sekai o tsuki nukete
Burning Heart! 闇を照らしたのは
Burning Heart! yami o terashita no wa
自分自身の / 光る1000%
jibun jishin no / hikaru 1000%
EDIT: Full lyrics of Negima!? OP is up =).
I don't think I can catch up with what I intend to do in my schedule, lol. I've got a 8AM - 7PM plant sales at CGH, Mon-Wed ... not going on Thurs and Fri cos I've got driving lessons ... YAY! LOL. Then I can slack ... XD, maybe that time I can try to do up Negima!?, Otoboku Ep5 summaries and maybe start posting up screenshots for Kasimasi Girl Meets Girl Ep13/OVA. Oh, forgot to mention I got another plant sale at Bishan Park this Saturday ... till afternoon so highly I'm damn tired and won't be able to do anything in the evening. On Sunday, I'm going to ZY's dance production at NP ... whoa going back there for the first time after grad lol. Anyways, lappy's giving me a lot of problems with the sudden random switching off thingy ... I'm damn damn pissed.
Anyways, ciao.
[Signing off @ 10:58 PM]
It's okay if you can't catch up, just take it slow ;) Wow you sure got a lot of work to do. Just relax and have fun ok?
ReplyDeletethanks~~~ ... I'll try my best to do what I planned up =).