Hi! I'm revamping the site! Most photos might not appear because of Photobucket *rolls eyes*. Might try to host them in another place but eh.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Tours Mai Hime Volume 4 Doujinshi Page 19,20

[Posted @ 6:39 PM]
I cannot control myself any longer, I really really want you so badly. *Pounce*



I do however refer to the RAW [Japanese] version sometimes when translating to kind of double check and make it more 'Real' cos i like it lol.

I do not scan doujinshis, so i don't claim credit for it, i got the scans from Tokyo Toshokan, a torrent listing place so, please do not ask me where i purchase or scan the doujinshi.

I do not draw doujinshis, i'm not that artistic =). So i don't claim credit for doujinshi images/pages in this post. I would had clearly stated the author of the doujinshi so go search for him/her/them.

The reason why i had added my blog URL in the pages is cos ... well, i translated the darn thing from Mandarin to English afterall!

Click on the pictures and out pops a window with a bigger, clearer dimension.

Please do not hotlink on forums, just paste my blog url and direct them to the Manga Page section, thanks.

Page 19. Page 20.

=O, Natsuki gives in.

[Signing off @ 6:54 PM]