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Thursday, January 12, 2006

T-W-O More Days To Stefanie Sun LIVE In Singapore 2006 Concert!

[Posted @ 9:41 PM]
Click Here to book a ticket online from Sistic website. XD

Stefanie Sun Live in Singapore 2006
Brought to you by VizPro, MediaCorp TV12
14th Jan 2006, Sat

MANZ! I've never been this excited in my whole life before. Well, except for eating ... and watching animes ... and reading mangas ... STOP! LoL. But this is farmost one of the most exciting of event of my life! The last part was Stefanie Sun START Concert 2002 hahaha, it's been 4 long years, and yep, it's time to create a sensational impression in my life once again!

So i'm so hyped up tat i can't watch animes lol, or rather i'm lazy and stuff. Was rushing to combine and touch on LAM Part 2 Project last night ... yeah then i took breaks to watch America's Next Top Model & animes while i wait for the last part to be sent to me then i copy-paste, edited, standardized the wordings and stuff ... then re-edit everything from top to bottom, re-read everything again then splitted the contents, do up content page, appendix, bibliography using the citation machine and cover page. By the time i was done, it was like 1am le, i strolled down to the office, grabbed a can of coke from the office fridge, switched on the PC, waited, stuck my mp3 player USB port in, printed the stuff and happily drinking the coke ha XD. Drinking coke at 1am is so shiok XD.

After clicking print, i continued drinking while lazing around blasting the tracks on my mp3 XD. I played 'MATERIALISE' i think 3 times lol XD then i fantasized about piercing my left ear with Natsuki's GEM, i'm sure Natsuki's GEM's a Diamond and i love Diamond ear studs, then go 'MATERIALISE' LOL. [Inserts Silly Grin] XD.

Well, i think the printing took around 15-20mins, cos the appendix got pictures and stuff from Little India. Then when i got up it's around 1.30am le then i read a chapter from the fanfic i was reading, then shut down lappy and went to bed a happy girl XD.

Now's IB turn, i feel stressed up when it's IB presentations and projects ... i dunno why. I almost had a nerve system break down at the IB Game project and i had no idea why. Sigh. I'm lazy to do the slides ahhhhhhhh!!~ Question A and B ... why are you so difficult????!!! LoL, who call me dumb to choose them sigh. Guess i have to swallow it down, i dun like blaming on others cos i will do and say what i like and if i regret it, it's cos of my own problem.

It's like i like to combine reports, most people complain of combining reports all the time, but i guess i enjoy. I can stay up to 3-4am to wait for my grp mates to send me their parts then combine the report, print it out and see the finished report with a grin on my face. It gives me self-satisfaction instead of stress.

What i didn't like is messaging me in the middle of the night when i'm done with editing and print of the report and say 'Hey there's something wrong about it.
DAMN, i'll be darn pissed off but i'll still re-edit and re-print it cos it's a mistake and i won't jeopardize the whole group's marks cos i had already printed it out. Anyways, off with the crappy project stuff XD.

I'm happy! 2 more days yay! I'll probably be drop-dead tired on sunday morning! YAY and it's worth it~~~ But damn sure i'll sneak take pics XD. I like to make it a memorable experience.

Time to read fanfics then start on IB at ... midnight ba hahaha i'll be dead to the world at BB tut tomorrow i reckon.

[Signing off @ 10:17 PM]


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